This post contains a collection of resources that I've found useful on my career path of teaching myself full stack web development. I hope for this to be another way to help others find a way into tech.
Each course listed can be found on Udemy. They have some amazing instructors, along with almost weekly sales that bring course prices down to at least $15. I'v listed them as $10 because there is NO REASON why you should pay more than $15 for a course here other than to support the instructor.
These resources contain content for Full Stack development. Stuff like Node, Express, React, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
A ton of free ebooks for a ton of topics from Flavio Copes!
#Like Everything
FreeCodeCamp is a great place to learn and practice at the same time! Not only does the curriculum contain step by step lessons for each aspect of Full Stack development. It also contains projects and code challenges that help to solidify knowledge.
This website has a multitude of courses that offer Free paths and paid course variations that add tests/quizzes and projects. You can get a lot of content for free here!
#Ruby on Rails
I haven't used this website myself yet. But one of my co-workers told me it's a great resource for learning/practicing web dev.
#Ruby on Rails
THE COMPLETE WEB DEVELOPER IN 2021: ZERO TO MASTERY $10 Instructor: Andrei Neagoie
Personally one of my favorite ways to learn full-stack development. Andrei is an excellent teacher that covers every aspect of web developer life.
This is a great course that teaches you the ins and outs of Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Although Ruby on Rails 6 has been released, this course is still relevant.
#Ruby on Rails
These resources contain content for Front End development. Things like JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular, CSS, and HTML.
One of my favorite books! It's a great read that really helps your understanding of JavaScript.
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Just like the title says, "How it's done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations."
One of my most used resources in day-to-day coding. They have excellent documentation on all things Web Development!
This site goes deep into advanced HTML and CSS techniques.
This site hasn't been updated for a while, unfortunately. Although it did really help my understanding of Form building, FLexbox, and Grid.
The Complete JavaScript Course 2021 - From Zero to Expert $10 Instructor: Jonas Schmedtmann
This is a course that focuses on just JavaScript. Jonas is a great instructor and one of the first courses that I went through when learning webdev.
Advanced CSS and SASS: Flexbox, Grid, Animations, and more! $10 Instructor: Jonas Schmedtmann
Another course from Jonas that I absolutely love! You learn to create some really cool CSS Layouts and advanced usage that you can use to "wow" your friends!
These resources contain content for Back End development. Thing. I don't have as many resources for the backend because either they are covered in Ruby on Rails resources or within the Full Stack category.
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2021 $10 Instructor: Jonas Schmedtmann
Yet another course from Jonas that I absolutely love! This course goes through the entire JavaScript Backend!
I hope some of these resources can help you further your career, or fill any gaps in your knowledge base.
Feel free to list any resources that have helped you in your career and I'll be sure to add them!
Thanks for reading!